React Input Component Validate Zip Code
Today I wanted to share a react snippet for Zip Code validation within an input.
The full example of the code is all the way at the bottom, but first I wanted to share a list of all the things this example gets into.
- A Reusable React Input Component
- Input handling (keydown, keyup, and paste events)
- Numeric keyboard on input focus when using mobile devices
- Utility function helpers
- Local storage
- Initial React application state
- Updating application state upon local storage being set
Reusable React Component
Below is the boilerplate Input component and how to implement it:
import React, { Component } from "react";
// component
class Input extends Component {
// default props for input
static defaultProps = {
onInput: "",
onKeyDown: "",
onKeyUp: "",
// this is an example of removing the paste
// functionality entirely across the board
// onPaste: (e) => { e.preventDefault() },
onPaste: "",
max: "",
min: "",
inputmode: "",
pattern: "",
placeholder: "",
type: "text"
render() {
return (
onInput={e => {
this.props.onInput === "" ? "" : this.props.onInput(e);
onKeyDown={e => {
this.props.onKeyDown === "" ? "" : this.props.onKeyDown(e);
onKeyUp={e => {
this.props.onKeyUp === "" ? "" : this.props.onKeyUp(e);
onPaste={e => {
this.props.onPaste === "" ? "" : this.props.onPaste(e);
export default Input;
Input handling
Next we want to take a look at the input handling functions:
handleZipcodeInputKeyDown = e => {
// this is called as soon as we get input from the user
// we don't want to allow them the access to input past 5 digits
// so we block on keyDown
// (it never gets to keyUp, which actually updates the state)
// restrict to 5 digits only
// but allow backspace and arrow
var key = e.which ? e.which : e.keyCode;
if (
( >= 5 &&
key !== 8 &&
key !== 37 &&
key !== 38 &&
key !== 39 &&
key !== 40) ||
(key === 18 || key === 189 || key === 229)
) {
handleZipcodeInputKeyUp = e => {
// set state of zipcode
handleZipcodeInputPaste = e => {
// get pasted content
let pasteText = e.clipboardData.getData("text/plain");
// only allow integers
pasteText = pasteText.replace(/[^0-9]/g, "");
// add to current input value (target)
let newContent = + pasteText;
// only allow 5 digits total
newContent = newContent.substring(0, 5);
// set new value of input = newContent;
// set new state of zipcode
zipCode: newContent
Numeric keyboard (mobile devices)
Forcing the numeric keyboard on input focus with these lines:
Notice: inputmode, pattern & type props passed to our component.
// put at the top of our App.js file
import Input from "./input";
// put within our render function
onKeyDown={e => this.handleZipcodeInputKeyDown(e)}
onKeyUp={e => this.handleZipcodeInputKeyUp(e)}
onPaste={e => this.handleZipcodeInputPaste(e)}
placeholder="Enter zipcode"
Including Utility Helpers and Usage
Include the helper utility for local storage and an example of setting it (on zip code submit).
// put at the top of our App.js file
import { localDataGet, localDataSet, localDataDelete } from "./utilities";
// put within our App.js React highlevel component
handleZipcodeSubmit = () => {
// store the zip code in local storage
localDataSet("zipCode", this.state.zipCode);
Local Storage Load In
Then within our constructor we want to add before the initial state
constructor(props) {
// local storage call
const userLocalData = localDataGet();
// console.log("data from local storage");
// console.log(userLocalData);
// initial app state
this.state = {
zipCode: userLocalData.zipCode ? userLocalData.zipCode : ""